Our Company's commitment will always be to offer some of the lowest prices in the publishing industry. By supporting All Authors of every genre, we will prepare your new book for publication. Simultaneously our Internationally acclaimed team will help YOU create Amazing ONE OF A KIND BOOK COVERS! Next using our famous talented illustrators, our professional layout services, and trained supervisors, we will provide you with our EXCEPTIONAL INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTION EXPERTISE. At the same time our award-winning Supreme Team will develop your book in high resolution as we provide its file for distribution. In our goal of helping every Writer become an Author, by making your Dreams Come True, our Dedication to Exceptional Quality remains unwavering!
Author Joslin Fitzgerald and her International production team want to help you publish your book and create one of a kind book covers. In that offer, Joslin Fitzgerald is a successful publisher with 15 years of experience. Joslin runs her own publishing company and she has expertly launched 18 childrens books. Additionally, she has 3 novels that will be coming soon. And as of this month, she has decided to offer her International award-winning team and her publishing expertise to all Arising Writers who need help getting a book into distribution. Also, Arising Writers is offering one of a kind animated book trailers, animated book covers, and a brand new author podcast/trailer where we will be able to put your voice over our globally acclaimed, animation.
In these new unique animated videos, your voice will be the one people will hear. We are also offering graphic design work, character development, assistance on writing biographies and back cover write ups. Additionally, we are offering Publisher phone consultation as we answer all your questions. In this spectacular offer, JOSLIN FITZGERALD WILL HELP YOU GET YOUR BOOK INTO DISTRIBUTION AND SHE WILL NOT PUT YOU UNDER CONTRACT OR TAKE ROYALTIES FROM YOU. SHE IS OFFERING EXTREMELY REASONABLE PRICING, AS SHE WANTS TO HELP ALL AUTHORS BECOME ARISING WRITERS AND FULFILL THEIR DREAMS. To get your book published and create your unique book cover, contact arisingwriters@gmail.com.
To publish your book, contact our International team at ARISINGWRITERS@GMAIL.COM
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Arising writers is a Free international BLOG located at arisingwriters3.blogspot.com Arising Writers is run by author Joslin Fitzgerald. Its sole purpose is to post promotional pictures and share book or song write ups for song writers also authors. In our goal to turn all Writers into Best Sellers we are offering a Free global marketing platform to the book and music industry. Doing this we are bringing awareness to all writers of every genre. In this worldwide effort to connect writers to their readers we are bringing thousands of readers and writers together!
All About Circles Legacy Publishing
Just as Arising Writers is helping authors and songwriters with their marketing, Circles Legacy Publishing will be providing all clients with award winning publishing and book cover designs. Joining these companies together will provide our clients the very best in marketing and publishing. Doing this in a unique way, Circles Legacy Publishing will not put any client under contract. Circles Legacy Publishing will not take royalties from our clients. And once we are finished helping YOU get your book into distribution, you will own all rights to your work, including book covers, illustrations, artwork, layout and design.
So now, as these two powerful international companies merge together, these teams will provide you with the best in marketing and publication.